miércoles, 25 de julio de 2007

IDS TECH LIFE... Cumpleaños de Randall




Yo se, yo se... es mucho brete, pero alguien tiene que hacerlo.

martes, 24 de julio de 2007

PLAGIO - Top 10 Google Words and Expressions



Top 10 Google Words and Expressions

Urban Dictionary provides user-contributed definitions for a lot slang words and expressions. Here's a list of definitions for little-known Google-related words:

10. Google drift

To drift aimlessly between subjects of interest, by finding them accidentally on a web search for something else.

"I was looking for information on the Holocaust and I found a lot of neat sites with historical facts about Germany."
"Oh, so you were google drifting."

9. Google test

When your internet connection is being problematic, you do the google test. Basically, you try to visit www.google.com and if it fails, you know your connection is tango uniform.

Friend A: My internet connection is not really working...

Friend B: Did you google test it?

Friend A: Yeah, nothing.

Friend B: Call AOL(because only AOL sucks enough to have problems regularly?)

8. Googleless

The state of being without Google; Google server unavailable.

Google's servers had better not ever shut down - I don't think I could handle being Googleless.

7. Googleosophy

Investigation, discovery, and pursuit of all that rocks on the Internet. One who practices this art is a googler.

I'll research (fill in blank) on the net, I have a degree in Googleosophy.

6. Google Seppuku

You use a Japanese text input tool and enter random Japanese characters into a google image search.

Then you count how many pages until you find an image so disturbing that you wish you never played the game.

JESUS CHRIST!! What? Oh sorry. Not you. I was playing google seppuku and I lost. I lost big time.

5. Google Copy Paste

The act of extracting information from Google for the reason of telling it to someone.

Note: Usually written as GCP

Bob: Who's the president of blahblahland
*Bill searches google.com, copies answer into clipboard, then pastes it*
Bill: It's Mark Larryson
Bob: Thanks, how did you know that?
Bill: Google Copy Paste :D

4. Google bet

A bet made when one can determine who wins by a simple trip to an internet search engine providing instant gratification.

"Dude, Dan the Automator is NOT Del!"
"Yes he is"
"Google bet ya!"

3. Googlesmart

Any person who gets 99.9 percent of all info from their favorite search engine to look intelligent on talk/chat forums. Most people who are googlesmart tend to post on forums to look like a highly astounding person, but may not be.

Mechanic one: Man that GMracer350 sure knows his stuff about cars...
Mechanic two: Ha ha, that guy couldn't spin a wrench if he tried, he claims to know a lot, but without his computer, he's Googlesmart.

2. Googledom

The all-encompassing informational domain created by google.com's many websites and services

The introduction of Google Earth just made Googledom a bit larger.

1. The Google

George W. Bush's term for a popular internet search engine. It can be used to pull up maps and search for subjects of interest.

One of the things I've used on the Google is to pull up maps. It's very interesting to see — I've forgot the name of the program — but you get the satellite, and you can — like, I kinda like to look at the ranch. It reminds me of where I wanna be sometimes.

domingo, 22 de julio de 2007


“El huevo o la gallina”, célebre frase utilizada comunmente para ejemplificar un sistema bipolar en el que existe una relación recíproca de causa-efecto entre sus partes: A genera y a la vez es generado por B. Del huevo sale la gallina y de la gallina sale el huevo.

Con esta muleta del lenguaje se ha intentado demostrar la futilidad de diferenciar dos partes de una solo cosa . Es sacada de la manga cada vez que hay que explicar un sistema en el cual un elemento necesariamente requiere del otro, así una dicotomía de luz/oscuridad, bueno/malo puede ser demostrada y su condición de unimismicidad queda resaltada. Es en los debates o discusiones cuando más notoria se hace nuestra gallina y el olor a huevos comienza a generar hambre. La lógica sigue la siguiente línea: si existiera alguien tan osado como para declararse a favor de alguno de los extremos de inmediato se puede apuntar hacia el error inherente en su razonamiento con solo preguntarle: “¿Y de dónde salió?”

Los usos que se le han dado a esta frase y el contexto que la plantea regularmente nos han alejado de la pregunta en sí: Al fin de cuentas, ¿quién fue primero, el huevo o la gallina? Para poder contestar nos vemos obligados a hacer una distinción entre sistemas de creencia. Esto porque la respuesta depende del lugar desde el cual se pregunta.

Si se maneja una concepción creacionista/cristiana la respuesta quedaría en el aire. Dios (o su equivalente) creo todas las “…aves que vuelen sobre la tierra…” de un solo tirón, todo en un día de trabajo. Me imagino que la gallian cabe dentro de esta descripción, aunque pongo en duda sus poderes de vuelo. Ahora, suponiendo que la gallina fue generada de la nada en el quinto día de la existencia del universo, todavía no sabemos qué fue primero, el huevo o la gallina. Pero, si sabemos que Dios creó la gallina, acaso eso no nos dice que la gallina fue primero? Me temo que no es tan simple. Dado que no conocemos la metodología de trabajo del Creador no sabemos si de la nada apareció una gallina adulta y perfecta, si creó primero un huevo y lo “envejeció” aceleradamente hasta que saliera la gallina, o si lo incubó Él mismo (Si es que no es una Ella, claro está).

Desde una postura evolucionista podríamos afirmar que lo primero fue el huevo:

Una perfecta gallina moderna (gallinus pipasus) contiene un conjunto de cartacterísticas X que la nombran como gallina y la diferencian de todas las otras criaturas. Debe tener ciertas medidas, peso, fisionomía, estructura genética, etc. Son estos rubros los que conforman el conjunto X. Además, a menos que se llame Dolly, sabemos que proviene de un huevo moderno y perfecto X. Digo también que el huevo es X porque posee las mismas características genéticas de nuestra gallina. Lo que diferencia al huevo de la gallina es un factor temporal. Es decir, son instantes separados en el tiempo de un mismo objeto.

Del huevo sale la gallina, la cual a su vez pone más huevos X de los que salen más gallinas X. Si seguimos esta línea de procreación hacia atrás podemos llegar a una pregallina, o pseudogallina. Esta pseudogallina es perfecta en todos los requisitos del conjunto X excepto en uno, digámosle característica y. Así, tenemos a una pseudogallina que es X-y. Esta pseudogallina X-y pone pseudohuevos (también X-y). Ahora, tomando como base la teoría de la evolución de Sir Charles y uno que otro elemento de la genética podemos aclarar como la pseudogallina llegó a ser una gallina “de verdad”. Una mutación en su proceso reproductivo, ya sea en un gameto o en el huevo mismo, adquirió la característica y para la descendencia de nuestra psudogallina. Es con esta nuevo influjo que se genera el primer huevo X.

O sea, fue el puto huevo. OK?

A warning to the wise. The future of off-shore sportsbooks = NO CLERKS



A wagering floor can easily be defined as an ineficient way of doing what the internet does. Anything that can be done by a clerk can be done by a computer at a fraction of the cost to the bookmaker. Off-shore bookies love players that are electronic. They wire the money in, set up accounts through email and bet online.

Think about it. No phone bills have to be paid, this alone runs in the millions of dollars a year for decent-sized operations. No rent is due on humungous office-space complexes. Anybody that has seen the instalations used by NASA, CRIS, JAZZ, etc in Costa Rica will tell you that this is no laughing matter. No extravagant payroll for hundreds of clerks has to be handed out. There goes another couple of million dollars. Human resources gets simplified, so the small armies of administrators, supervisors, accountants, lawyers, etc come off the payroll. NO CLAIMS. This alone is worth it. How many hundreds of thousands of dollars get handed back to the players every year due to clerk mistakes?

A lot of players call in their bets. Be it because they sit on the far side of the digital divide and are not comfortable with computers and the internet or because they just don't have acess at the time they want to place a wager (WAP-enabled websites take care of that one since thay can be accessed froma cell-phone, but that is another story). This forces bookies to literally hire small armies to answer the phones on an NFL sunday.

But, are the clerks really necesary? Aside from specialized phone stations such as customer service, claims, horses, linesmen or managers most clerking stations can be easily replaced by voice recognition software. A player calls in, the computer picks up the phone, he gives his account and password, asks for the lines and places wagers, all handled by a centralized server. Cost is reduced to a sufficiently powerful server, phone and software.

Voice recognition isn't quite ready for an off-the-shelf application for sportsbooks. It has to be trained to recognize the inflections of a particular voice. This is done now by having the person read some lines into a microphone so as to train the algorythm (neural networks?? sounds like it). Once this step is accomplished, voice recognition is remarkably accurate.

This learning curve hazzle is now being fazed out. If you call directory assitance within the US you get asked to state the category and location of your query by a computer, which recognizes what you say and shuttles you to the respective operator.

In a short time (5 years, maybe sooner) voice recognition engines will be powerful enough to substitute the clerks on a wagering floor. Let me repeat that: THERE WILL BE NO CLERKS ON THE WAGERING FLOOR. There will probably be no wagering floor either. Clerks are the first to go to the inevitable technical progress in our industry. They certainly won't be the last. Line movers (not line MAKERS) are another endangered species.

Thus my warning. A lot of my friends work at clerk level positions in the gambling industry. MAKE A 3-5 YEAR PLAN TO REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THE WAGERING FLOOR AND ACT ON IT!! Start studying now, learn a skill, assure yourself portability to another field of employment. Take advantage of the flexibility of schedule that you have now and the economic resources to propell yourself to another career. Bookies directly employ around 7,000 people in CR during football season. In 4 years, when 5000 of those are fired they will all have similar work experience, similar training, similar skills and they will all be looking for the same jobs. How are YOU going to compete?